Movement Mindfullness
Explore and connect deeper with you body and its movements
Service Description
Explore the subtle expressions of your body through a variety of breathwork, meditation, and dance techniques. Learn methods of self care and injury prevention as we strengthen our relationship with our minds and bodies!
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
CLASS CANCELLATION GUIDELINES Early Cancel Cancellations must be submitted 12 hours prior to class time. Clients may Early Cancel a booked class 12 hours or more before class time with no penalty. Class cancellation can be done via text to (727) 331-0751 specifying your name and date and time of class. This will allow us ample time to give another individual to register. Absent No Show/ No Cancel- $25 A No-Show/No-Cancel means reserving a class but not attending and not canceling out of the class. A No Show/ No Cancel is different from Late canceling, a No Show means not attending and not canceling. We ask that you ALWAYS cancel out of class if you cannot attend. If you reserve a spot and do not cancel out of class, your class fee will automatically be forfeited as if you attended the class. Please note, this is aimed to be a preventative measure rather than a penalty. Demand for our classes are high, no-shows and no-cancels limit others from participating in classes who have been wait listed or who would rather attend.
Contact Details
4760 East Bay Drive, Clearwater, FL, USA
+ 727-331-0751